Ambassador gives some timely advice
My wife and I recently attended the Singapore embassy end of year party of the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. The special guest was the President of Singapore, Dr. Tony Tan.
The President spoke of building upon the strong ties that have built between Singapore and Japan over the past 5o years. He spoke of share values and goals and listed numerous successes of join collaboration.
As we ate our Laksa and devoured the satay and soured the chicken rice I had the chance to speak to the Singapore ambassador to Japan. He noticed that I had lost considerable weight from our last meeting. I shared with him my health challenges of 2016, losing my colon, 30 kg’s and nearly my life. He shared with me his philosophy of his life. He said, “Philip if you can wake up and wiggle your toes and get out of bed then it’s a good day” His words struck a chord with me and I began to think of the many things I have to be grateful for. As my wife and I said good bye the ambassador held my arm and said, “We are not guaranteed tomorrow we only have today”.